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Old 09-10-2014, 11:23 PM   #8
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Western Cape, South Africa
Posts: 3
Re: 1967 GMC 910 Fleetline

Hey All

Thanks for the awesome replies.

As far as I know there's only 3 in South Africa and my dad had the other one.

@dmartin1 - Attached are some more pics of the interior.

@Coley - It's a 2 speed automatic at the moment. I have no idea what the ratio is and will have to go test it so will let you know.
Have you tuned this thing up lately? - My dad built it up from scratch so he has done it about a year and half ago, but is time for a new one though.
Electronic ignition or? - Yeah we added a push button starter in that's on the dash to the left underneath the radio.
Carb condition/adjustment? - I am looking for a monojet carb which I want to add in, so far I think that'll help a bit.
compression test? - Will have to do this for sure and let yu
ou know.

@BLT gmc, @alsriv2, @BrianG - Thanksa guys this is very helpful.

My dad is the one that built it up from scratch so will need to ask him some questions especially about the HEI system. I am not sure and will post a reply again later today to let you know. So far thanks for the help. Appreciate it.

We chat again soon. Getting parts for my truck is a bit of a difficult one to get hold of. I will most properly order my parts from

We chat soon

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