Originally Posted by Shugalou
Keith that's crazy - I remember seeing your intro post.
Kind of off topic but I see you moved around from plants - I recently read rivethead and the guy talks about the plant work being shifted down to southern plants I'm guessing you were working in similar circumstances?
My brother in law works at the Oshawa Plant - he's been there over 10 years now.
Not quite.
What Ben Hamper (the Rivethead) was talking about were hourly employees that were transferred to a new permanent location when their home plant closed.
For example, if you worked in Pontiac and the plant closed you might get transferred to Fort Wayne (or Oshawa) to try and keep a job. You'd buy a house and put down roots (or decide on a hellish commute) and work there until the next significant emotional event.
In my case I was always resident at "Central Office" engineering and was part of a rag tag circus that went from plant to plant to help launch new product. So we would start at Flint (or Pontiac) and get them up and running, then move as a team temporarily to St Louis or Oshawa or Janesville until all the plants were pumping out new product.
But home base for me was always in Pontiac or Warren Michigan depending on where our office was at the time.