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Old 09-12-2014, 02:39 PM   #5
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Re: Questions about radiator/engine flush and running water or coolant

I just performed a full flush on my system using one of those Preston flush kits. It worked well and a lot of gunk came out. However, I just realized that there is still a bunch of water (I figure 2 gallons) sitting in the engine block that won't come out. So after adding the 50/50 mixture, I figure the true effective mixture is now only 75% water/25& antifreeze. I tested the liquid and it is not giving me any freezing protection.

My original thought was to reflush the system, and this time, remove the coolant plugs on the engine to fully drain the system. Then refill with 50/50 again. But...I can't get the plugs out.

Reading through this thread (and now doing some reough math), it sound like the best (and easiest) course of action is flush, drain as much as I can though the radiator, and refill with 100% antifreeze.

Does that sound like a good plan? This is my first time doing this to this truck. I just purchased it and have a feeling it has been neglected for many years. So I really want to do the right thing here and return her to all her deserved glory.

Also, does anyone recommend replacing the t-stat at the same time as this flush? Just a thought.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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