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Old 01-18-2004, 03:41 AM   #1
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72 1 ton Dually....what's it worth?

I'm goin to check out a 72 1 ton dually flat bed tomorrow. It has a 350 with a 4 speed manual with a granny gear. He says everything works on it and will even help me replace all the wood in the bed (with his lumber and stain, it's my barber and turning into a good friend, lets me store my parts out at his place and use his shop) The clutch is good, it has the ORIGINAL radio in it...the dash has not been hacked!!! it's a heat truck..i think. will check on that. power disc brakes, power steering. He's askin 1500, I think it's worth it. But haven't seen it. What do you all think? If I don't get it, i'll post pics and a number for you all.
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