Originally Posted by Alberto
I have a nv4500 mated to a fig 8 np205 dont know what year the trans is but it has AA to mate the 205 it has a fat coupler 31 splines and 10 spline for the 205. I think they change the output on the trans because I never seen a output that big I thought 32 spline was the biggest. I bouht the the set up off a guy that had it rebuilt and never used it i payed 1300 for the whole set up nv4500 complete with adapter and 205 but when I got home I seperated it and thats what I found 31 spline mated to 10 spline np205 so is it a dodge or chevy trans because it has a chevy bellhousing as well im confused here
If you read through all 14 pages of this exact thread it should shed some light on what you have. It sounds to me like you have pretty much the same AA kit that I originally started with other than you have the 31 spline to 10 spline sleeve whereas I had the 31 to 27 spline sleeve.