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Old 09-18-2014, 11:08 AM   #1
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'58 Color me decide!

I'm about 10 days out from shooting my 58 GMC 4x4 and I'm waffling on the color! I was planning all along to paint it the 2014 Ford Race Red, but having second thoughts as I have two other red rigs. I've spent about a year meticulously doing bodywork and it's looking really straight. Down to the final primer block sanding now.

So...I'm thinking either a yellow orange or possibly a cream color. Solid, not metallic.

Got pics of your favorite colors?
"Built- not bought"
1958 GMC 150 4x4 in progress
1980 K20- Restored
1985 K3500 Flatbed

58 GMC 4x4 build thread:
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