Originally Posted by tmoble
Bam, my old truck looks so grungy compared to the yellow one. It's been my daily driver since 1984 and doesn't get prepped much. Big changes coming soon, guess I'll have to start a build thread. I think it's going to be white with red trim. That way I won't have to repaint the frame much. I painted it in 1993 should last forever, right?
I just spent $12K on sheetmetal, 350 EFI engine, 4L60E, two computers, a whole bunch of chrome and other shiney stuff. Amazing how fast it went. 4 fenders, tailgate and 55 hood. Soon it'll be my turn to gripe about chinese repop parts. 
Yeah you should start that build thread so we can see you crying the blues like the rest of us.lol
About those repop parts man I'm just glad we have something to work with even if they are not perfect they are better than nothing. At least thats what I tell myself after I calm down from all the cussing and being frustrated with them.lol