Originally Posted by Ironangel
I have the same motor with a different suffix code...Can you run it? V02O5TDJ...Dont mean to hijack the thread, just cant make heads or tails out of that last link. Thanks
So, you need to use the chevymania link in conjunction with the nastyz28.
You need to get the casting numbers from the right rear just in front of where the bell housing mates up. Should be a leter, 2 numbersm a space, and then another number, that will tell you the year, the single digit at the end will be either a 2 or a 0. Then you take the last 3 letters of the v0205tdj, "tdj" and plug it in to the chevy mania decoder. It says it is either a 1972 350 or a 1980 350. V=Flint, MI factory, 0205 is the month and day it was produced, and tdj means a 350