Re: Not exactly a build thread...
It may be more lipstick on a pig, but it's progress nonetheless. Upgraded my stereo and added kick panel speakers. Mellancamp never sounded so good.
Also, I knew I wanted to put a bed cover on once I was done with the paint and pretty much decided on the Extang Black Max. It's a snap-down cover, which was all you could get back in the day and the price doesn't break the bank. Over Labor Day, they ran a special knocking an addition $25 off, so I went ahead and pulled the trigger. Since I had it I figured I just as well put it on instead of staring at it in the box taking up space.
Swamp Angel Truckers
'72 C10 Highlander
People who blindly follow a GPS end up on television programs on The Weather Channel. Some survive, some don't.