Thread: Sheet Metal
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Old 09-24-2014, 03:13 PM   #19
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Re: Sheet Metal

Good info. Since there is so much difference in body panels on these trucks, getting original panels seems like it would be just as much if not more work to get them to fit right. At least the new panels are cleaner/not rotted. Patches are patches I suppose, getting ones in the "general" shape of what you need to patch is easier than forming your own sheet metal. But for whole repop parts, such as doors, fenders, etc., I feel that it would be easier to work on new repop metal to get it to fit right than fight with say an original fender from another truck that's panels are off from what you originally had.... if any of that makes sense.
1956 Chevy 3600

Matt's 3/4T 4X4 Build
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