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Old 09-24-2014, 05:56 PM   #18
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Posts: 65
Re: just an old truck I got in a trade

So I wanted to get it inspected drove it the 2 miles to the little mom and pop inspection station by the house. Wasnt hard on it still has a bent drive shaft. But wanted it inspected cause I was going to get one made in a week or so.
It was running pretty good still had the old 850 carb on it.
Speedo was way off. Th400 28" tires on the back I was running 3200 rpm on the tack around 55 mph on my gps on my phone. Got some gears in the rear end for sure.
anyways on my way back from the inspection the oil pressure dropped about the time I pulled back into my driveway to 10lbs. Had been running around 40-60 psi.
well the oil was black and thin and I havent changed it yet so I figured id give her a change maybe it was just thinned out from the carb flooding before I rebuilt it.
Pulled the plug and metal shavings and chips of metal stuck to the magnetic plug. Damn something is wrong with it.
I figured cam bearings went since the oil pressure dropped.
Well the dipstick was broken on the end of it when I got the truck guy said it was in the old motor and got broke off crank chewed it. The pieces I found on the drain plug were dipstick pieces I pulled out a few when I changed the oil that day. I thought surely they would have cleaned the pan if they swapped the motor.
got to inspecting and apparently somone put a short dipstick tube on the passenger side and shoved a long dipstick down in it And the crank on this engine chewed it up. There were pieces all in the oil pan when I pulled it off.
and that is when it started.
the rest of these pics will be just so I can remember how some things went untill I get to where I am at now.

I hope you fellas werent kidding when you said you like pics in the first couple post

Last edited by jrfonte; 09-24-2014 at 06:12 PM.
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