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Old 09-24-2014, 09:49 PM   #169
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: SHAWNEE, KS
Posts: 191
Re: Another OLD BLUE Build Thread - 71 Chevy

So after a week or so on Craigslist I got some lookers.

I listed it for way less than what the parts total up to but made sure it was enough to cover my next project :evil:

Got a cash deposit yesterday and promptly started the teardown:




~11:30pm (this took a while because my cherry picker was hitting the sheetrock around the ducting above my truck. Total PITA when working by yourself)

~1:43am after cleaning up the garage so I could put the Wife's car away

So the BBC is out and ready for her new home with somebody that will love her for who she is.

I have a line on a 5.3 w/stripped harness and reprogrammed computer that I am putting an order in for as soon as I get the rest of the payment for my engine this weekend. From a local guy that does it on the side and it comes with a 6 mo warranty. Not too shabby. I am excited to potentially triple or quadruple my gas mileage (not to mention I won't have to run premium anymore). I think I will get a lot more enjoyment in the long run with a quiet(er) fuel injected engine.
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