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Old 09-25-2014, 10:33 PM   #12
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Re: Fuel Delivery Advise

Originally Posted by csdineley View Post
Looks to me that it's not a converted tbi engine. But the entire engine was swapped for an earlier one. Also your fuel line to the carb is running down toward the front passenger side. Which to me seems like it already has a mech fuel pump. The Tbi fuel lines run up the back of the block. Now the electric pumps might still be in the tanks. If it is using the electric pumps, they put out around 13 psi and your carb only want's about half that. So a regulator would be required in that case.
Right you are appears to be an earlier engine it has mech. pump up front. I have to get the numbers off the block sooner or later.

I am betting that the tanks need to be dropped to see if they were set up to run a carb.......I hope to get started on it this weekend.
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