Thread: sanding fun
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Old 09-26-2014, 09:58 PM   #3
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Re: sanding fun

1.well My buddy and I DA sanded it down to bare metal in most parts w/80,120,220 grit
2.then primed it with bare metal rustoleum primer
3.then sanded(blocked sanded by hand) it smooth w/ 400 grit up put a couple of acrylic urethane single stage paint coats on
5.sanded that down flat by hand w/ 400 again
6.laid down a realllll wet coat of paint. day put most everything back on and together

Please note: I am NOT a painter but I don't like payin thier mortgages either,
anyone who says you can't get a decent paint job cheap is full of @#$%,as an old timer told me yrs ago if ya want a cheap paint job you just have to be willin to do alot of work.
While I am on the subject anyone who claims cost of material is the reason they charge so much to do a paint job is full of it,yes some paint cost ALOT more than others but if you look at thier profit margin and labor cost you can see why alot of painters are more salesman rather than painters,I've seen this time and again in the Harley world,I don't know how many painters have told me "almost as much work goes into painting a bike as a car or truck" ??? That's bulls#%t I have personally sanded,prepped and painted both and there is no way a set of fenders and gas tank even a bagger takes anywhere as long as a 4 wheel vehicle it's just a sales lie plain and simple.Don't get me wrong I have met and worked with some honest painters but in my experience that is not the norm. THAT IS ALL CARRY ON.
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