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Old 09-27-2014, 01:33 AM   #173
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Re: Another OLD BLUE Build Thread - 71 Chevy

Originally Posted by mcbassin View Post
Bummer about the old engine but heck yeah about the plans for the new power plant !

Should be selling my engine tomorrow! I am rather excited.

Now I get to go order a bunch of new parts including an engine, yet not "actually" spend any money.

Ordered an Ultra-Gauge today. I figured it would be a quick/cheap/easy way to read ALL of my gauges without fussing with individual sending units/guages. No it isn't perfect, but it will get me going. Not bad for <$100 including windshield mount and shipping. Plugs right into the OBDII port and reads pretty much all available parameters.

It also has customize-able alarms that you can set individually for oil pressure, rpm, temp, etc. So you don't actually have to be watching your gauges that hard, it will beep at you if something gets out of range.

NOT my picture, just a quick Google image search example:

I also have a line on a Flowmaster 70 series (used of course) on Craigslist. We'll see if he still has it on Sunday when we agreed for me to pick it up. I used to have a 50 series on my 360 ram and I loved the way it sounded; the 70 supposedly sounds similar but is in a longer more rectangular package (which I don't really care about).
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