Originally Posted by 69 long wide
With the key in the on position the terminal is not hot. Is that a switch problem? How do you get the switch out?
No way to tell without further diagnostics.
"No we have power through the switch all the way to the starter. There is no link between the key and the fuse block".
That's right, if you mean "fusible link".
"There is no link from the back side of the fuse block to the coil".
Right again, if you mean "fusible link".
"Do you know how to get the switch out"?
No, I've never had to replace one. I'd recommend verifying the fusible link is intact, and you can refer to the diagrams in this link. I like the one by vette vette, you will have to scroll down.
Or, if you just want to replace your ignition switch, here you go.