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Old 01-19-2004, 05:12 PM   #4
Grim Reaper
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Yeah, my Brother-in-law (sisters husband). He's been bassed in Germany for a couple years. He's in intelegence and specializes in arabic languages. Somehow he has dodged Iraq allthouyg he has been seent over to Kuwait (sp) a couple times. My sister lives on base and not enlisted.

He was supose to be getting done with his tour in April and oming home. Just before Thanksgiving they told him tough chit your going to Iraq in Feb and you will be there a year. So we are worried about it.

With his Language background he figures they will have him up front and proably at a place like the one that was bombed over the weekend doing interveiwing and interogation.

I'm a little worried about his safety. I'm hoping he doesn't end up on the streets doing patrol and is kept back in a little more controled enviorment.
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