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Old 10-03-2014, 05:54 PM   #1
full foot notch
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anyone running LED leadlights or Projector housing

like some of the rest of yall, I would like to upgrade the headlights on our old trucks, right now one of the headlights is out on my truck and instead of taking the time and money to replace it with another sealed beam I would like to upgrade to newer technology.

I have read that if doing headlights it is recommended to upgrade to the headlight relay harness. but since there is even newer technology than HID now I would like to temporarily hold off having to buy and install a harness if its not necessary.

I was wondering if anyone has tried the newest headlight technology which is LED bulbs inside the headlight housing, and has anyone tried the "projector" housings that are advertised online for the 7" headlight housings to see if they are a good fit for our truck and how well do they work. also pictures would be helpful if you have any of them. thanks
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