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Old 10-05-2014, 06:44 AM   #3
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Re: Forward fuel line mounting clip

I've come to the conclusion that the "M" part of the clip is a one time only thing "install"
Pretty sure the factory used a punch to spread the "M" to hold the clip in .
Most of mine broke up when I took them out , and the ones that didn't I wouldn't trust to stay in if I reused them.
The brake lines have the same style of clip.
Like Kenfuzed did , rip it out !
And yes like Ken , I'll be figuring that one out later
"63 sb ss bbw 350\350 12 bolt rear Pwr Fr Disc PS tilt
'61 GMC in progress
'63 GMC to use for parts
'90 Chevy Ext cab sbfs 5.7l (current d d)
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