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Old 10-05-2014, 12:06 PM   #14
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Re: Period Camper Tours - show us!

It was the emblem for "Chevy Camper Magazine" - this cover shot from the Spring '72 edition. I never heard of it before, found it awhile back on ebay, SSTim gave me a heads up it was there, and, lemming-like, I jumped!
It's got some good pics, but it was sort of a cross between a Chevy Custom Camper brochure and a road atlas (so, both very good guesses!) - it had short articles on different places to take a camper, etc. Some of the pics I posted above are from it - the white K20 in the fishing pic, for example. Many of the articles were about non-truck stuff though - it had cars and station wagons pulling small campers, etc. Anyway, thought it was kinda cool, so scanned the magazine's emblem for an avatar.
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