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Old 10-05-2014, 10:48 PM   #983
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Re: Project "Tiffany"

Keith, thanks for bringing Tiffany to GG's. LOVED her. Your talent inspires me to try to become "cleaner" in my build. I know I'll have to do things multiple times to achieve your level of skill but I'm going to give it an honest effort.

Tiffany is the perfect example of a "patina" build. Too bad the spectators can't see this thread for the magic done under the bed. This truck is just so sano I can't put it into words how awesome it looks in person.

I know you saw it but when I first saw the red '68 a few rows away I thought of Lucy. Anyways, SOOOOOOO many cool trucks at GG's. If you weren't so darn popular I would have busted into the group and introduced my self. Thanks again.

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