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Old 10-06-2014, 05:53 AM   #984
Village Idiot....
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Re: Project "Tiffany"

James you should have busted into the conversation, more than likely it was just me and my friends lying to one another.

That red truck a few rows up was Lucy, the guy that got it from me gave it to his son when he turned 16, he's now 19. He won a young guns award with it, funny that truck has only been to two GoodGuys shows. The first is when I just got it done and then this weekend (both times at the same show) almost 10 years apart!

Originally Posted by supercheyenne View Post
Keith, thanks for bringing Tiffany to GG's. LOVED her. Your talent inspires me to try to become "cleaner" in my build. I know I'll have to do things multiple times to achieve your level of skill but I'm going to give it an honest effort.

Tiffany is the perfect example of a "patina" build. Too bad the spectators can't see this thread for the magic done under the bed. This truck is just so sano I can't put it into words how awesome it looks in person.

I know you saw it but when I first saw the red '68 a few rows away I thought of Lucy. Anyways, SOOOOOOO many cool trucks at GG's. If you weren't so darn popular I would have busted into the group and introduced my self. Thanks again.


-67 SWB Custom Porterbuilt Front and rear 20/22's Hazel Sold
-71 StepSide Porterbuilt Stage 2 with 20/22's Stella Mae Sold
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