Thread: 68 GMC rearend
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Old 10-07-2014, 11:03 AM   #1
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68 GMC rearend

OK, I'm sure this has been covered in here somewhere but I'm gonna throw this out there anyways.
I have a 68 GMC c10. With a 307 that's been rebuilt, and the granny 4 SPD. I'm not sure about the gear ratio all I know is that when I'm going 65 mph its a little loud. If I push it to 75 the world is ending!
It is the camper special with coil springs and posi track rear end. Does anyone wanna hazard a guess at the rear end. The 307 is also original. Its my daily driver so I would like to make it more highway friendly. I'm at work in camp for a few weeks now. So I'll pull the cover when I get home. Anyone have any suggestions as to what ratio I should have.
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