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Old 10-07-2014, 09:46 PM   #16
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Re: Mike The Grad's Coolant Splat

Originally Posted by Mike_The_Grad View Post
I agree, that is the area that I noticed the metal ring portion separated from the gasket material. In this picture it would be from about 10o'clock to 8o'clock position now that I look closer to the picture and what I remember seeing.
Before I removed both heads, I pulled each spark plug. In cylinder #6 showed dampness and rust towards electrode. #7 cylinder dumped almost a quart of coolant. After I pulled driver side head, coolant obviously was sitting on top of all pistons . I didn't remove coolant from them until the next morning. All pistons except #7 still had coolant pooled inside cylinder, but at a lower level.
After you pulled it over and shut it off, I hope you didn't try to re-start it. The torque from the starter can easily bend a rod if the cyl fills up with fluid especially if the piston gets near the top as the leverage increases proportionately with the crankshaft angle.

While you have the head off, obtain a dial indicator or a straight edge with feeler gauge, make sure the #7 affected piston comes up the same as the others and that it's the same on the front of the piston (toward the grill) as it is on the rear of the piston (toward the rear bumper) and that the eye-brows don't look twisted. This will give you an idea if the rod is bent.
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