Originally Posted by Slug96
The trim that goes along the side of the bed has fallen off.
I bought new trim at the beginning of the year when I got my truck repainted. I did not realize that the paint shop used double-sided tape to stick the trim together. Now, the trim will not stick to the truck. I put new tape and it did not last long. I took it to a local body shop to see if they could fix it, but they said there was nothing they could do. They could of drill holes and put screws in, but it would make the truck loose the clean look to it. What other options do I have?
David Carballido-Jeans
Flagstaff, AZ
The stamped aluminum side trim on your '76? That should have clips and mechanical attachments, not tape. It really should go back on that way.
However, if you decide to use sticky tape Rusty's procedure is correct with two caveats:
1) use a solvent like denatured alcohol or paint surface prep to wipe the side and let it dry. It is very important that the surface is clean. Don't remove the backing from the tape until right before you are ready to install.
2) Press HARD afterwards, along the whole length. In the assembly plant adhesive moldings are rolled over with a mechanical roller after installation at it presses hard enough to deflect the sheet metal (not permanently). You've got to really "wet it out" if you want it to stick for a long time. I used the wife's roller from the kitchen (don't tell her I did that, please).