Originally Posted by 54blackhornet
OK we all agree on seam sealer ! Can someone walk thru the proper procedure for applying it ? Do you start in center of windshield and let it flow out toward the drop behind the doors ? I would like to do this before the rain season begins again 
As mentioned before, prime (bare or near), scuff, seam seal. The 3M products I've used were OK I thought. Never before using, there was an immediate learning curve throughout. More in understanding the flow rate of the application. 3M seemed slightly more fluid than expected. I applied like caulking and adjusted flow where needed. Once it crested at 1/4 I'd slowly run the rail. I used the more fluid 3M along the [top] of the cab and the lesser along the vertical (behind the doors). That's my personal description and I'm not a body shop, which should understand such things. To do it yourself, you may need to acquire the proper gun. It's a two part mixture if I remember correctly (for the 3M product(s)).
OP: If it were me, I'd pull it from there and if they refuse, call the cops. If they removed the bodo/filler, you should be able to discern. Bare metal or bare metal covered with primer. The seam is noticeable.