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Old 10-14-2014, 01:57 PM   #13
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Re: Sell complete Suburban or part out?

I feel like the cruel honesty is that 12 is a bit high. People who are looking to spend that amount are going to want a specific color, interior, wheels, and if the truck is cheap enough they wont mind putting 12 into it. But to start with one at 12?

I do restoration bodywork for a living and by no means know what Im talking about, BUT. If I were looking and the newer seats were gone in favor of the originals, and if you had stock wheels with hubcaps itd be GOLD. Maybe close to 12 at that point.

Because the paint is subtle, the engine bay is beautiful albiet original looking, the modern parts that are initially seen (seats and wheels) just look funny paired with such a classic look.

Like a pirate shirt with knickers and bright white running shoes.
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