Little back story first. About a month ago I found the perfect truck, for my wife and I to build, 30 minutes too late. The owner already had someone coming by to look at the truck but gave me 2nd shot at it. I had the truck/trailer/cash ready hoping the 1st dibs guy backed out. Well he didn't....
The guy thanked me for my interest and told me he knew of a guy in his town that my be interested in selling his 1969 longbox and he would check on it for me. I expected that to be the last I'd hear from the guy. Well today he texts me apologizing for the delay and sends me pics of the truck below and says the owner wants to sell and I had first dibs. I'm out of town at work but I immediately sent my wife to pick up the truck when I received pics.
$700 later and a 2.5hr trip there and back, my wife picked up our new project.
Pics below are when she went to pick it up. I will have more when I get back in town and clean it up.