Thread: Grinding Gears
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Old 10-16-2014, 11:18 AM   #16
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Re: Grinding Gears

I don't know if this is your issue but I have a 1962 Nova once that seemed like it would not completely dis-engage the clutch. It would grind when putting in gear and grind when shifting. I thought that clutch was bad but after putting in new clutch, pressure plate and throw out bearing it was doing the same thing. I took it to the local Standard Station and asked them to check it out. They worked for a couple of days and then called and said it was fixed. When I picked it up they showed me where on the clutch linkage it was cracked and when depressing the pedal it would open just enough to not fully dis-engage the clutch. A little welding and it was fixed!
Like I said this might not be your issue but worth taking a look at.
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