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Old 10-17-2014, 05:59 PM   #7
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Re: Can a transmission leak through the yoke and U-joints?

Originally Posted by old Chevy guy View Post
hhmmm, I'm no expert but I think that hole is there so air can vent in and out as the yoke travels in and out as the truck goes up and down. Id research it a bit deeper before I'd weld up the hole. Better to weld it later than try and drill it out again.
On the ones with the hole, yes, it's there to vent back in the day when oil drips were expected.

If the yoke is out of the donor vehicle's 200R4, it will not have a weep hole, it will have one spine missing to perform that vent function.

Dave, make sure you have an open area in the splines on the yoke or the shaft, I think it's on the yoke but can't remember 100%.
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