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Old 10-18-2014, 08:25 AM   #6
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Re: Land of the Lost

Originally Posted by itg View Post
Just wanted to update, and obligatorily (is that a word?) close this thread, for those who may care (if any ). After spending most of every weekend day and many evenings of the summer working on the '70, and after some serious conversation with the wife...and some soul searchin', I realized that my little Blazer Adventure was going to have to be postponed to a later date. In early August we decided to sell both of the blazers, and return back to my original plan. I sold the '70 in August on ebay, and just last week sold the '69 to a guy in Nebraska who said hes restored 15-20 1st Gen Blazers, but said this was his first '69. I realized that I'd rather be spending my time with my 2 y/o boy growing up, than in the garage working. I came to the conclusion that it just wasnt the right time in my life to be taking on such a big project.

I found a '72 C20 locally that has a rebuilt engine and tranny, had body work done and a re-paint, and the kicker is (and you'll appreciate this one DeadheadNM) I was looking at the SPID after I bought it, and it is a '72 Highlander. Most of all, it is in really good condition mechanically, so I dont need to put too much time into it...and my son LOVES riding in "DADDY'S TWUCK!"
Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
Two major things it takes for a restoration like you were facing:
1: TIME.....and lots of it
2: MONEY....and lots of it too.

If working on, and restoring, these old trucks is therapeutic for someone then it's worth the time and money. If not then you're better off to let it go for other things that are.

You're not an idiot....everyone lacked knowledge and experience at one point in their life. I would rather think you are smart for realizing your limitations before sinking the time and money into it with little chance of success.
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