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Old 10-23-2014, 01:07 AM   #12
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Re: Shimmy in Rear of 64 C20

Originally Posted by old cool View Post
Hey Ron
If your asking me, I can report no rear bearing work yet due to finances though I did change rear u joint. Did some inexpensive vacuum corrections, timing and carb adjustments. i may have a weakening brake booster (hose to back of booster under dash sounds of air but not loud). shimmy is in front so im hoping its just balance. Tires are a few years old but only have 2k miles. I did see where po put a small yellow on hub and also on wheel stud. New hub may be out of round.
sounds like a centre support on d/shaft if you have a 2 piece d/shaft.
back to o/p and you, I have had separations on 2 different sets of tires that looked good but I also had for a few years. ! set I had 3 separations on a 5,000 mi round trip(7:50 x 16) and the other was 2 separation on a set of 33 x 12.5 x 15 Hankooks. bought both sets new. another thing that can give one a funny ride is mixing bias and radials on the same vehicle
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