Thread: Zane's Ride
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Old 10-24-2014, 09:51 PM   #225
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Smile Re: Zane's Ride

The latest from the instructors at Hutchison High School auto program working on the Zane's Ride project:
"I have had my advanced student working on the cab, it is getting closer for another coat of primer. I had a friend drop off an intake manifold and thermostat. First week of November the Advanced Auto students will be finishing up the engine (intake, valve covers and paint). The engine will then be ready for some serious pictures! We will be moving into brakes and suspension soon, so the drivetrain will be making some serious gains."
AWESOME!! I will post photos as soon as I get them. I also had some fundraising help from the daughters of a couple of my coworkers. They are very industrious, and made hundreds of rubber band bracelets and helped me sell them at our local mall. We made a total of $735!!!
'Zane's Ride', a fundraiser to benefit Make-A-Wish Alaska in honor of my son Zane. I miss you, sweetheart! Zane Jacobsen, 9/1992-12/2011
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