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Old 10-27-2014, 06:57 PM   #205
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Re: 1970 project/ DD "instant death"

Originally Posted by mechanic350 View Post
Vega great fab work. I'm happy to see that your proud enough of your work to put pictures out there for others to see and judge for themselves. And I don't think being certified has anything to do with the quality of a weld. All certification means is that you have a piece of paper that says hey look what I can do. So Grey ghost just go away. I'm sorry you see fit to dump all over another persons hard work. I noticed while browsing that you haven't posted a single picture. I'm curious what made you choose not to show any of the fine patrons of this site your perfect weld skills. I know I'd show them off but I'm just a lil whipper snapper who doesn't know much. Nothing about buying materials or tools cheap means they are wrong for the job. So please just remember that we all come on here to show our passion for our trucks and help out others where we can. Have a great time with your truck and I wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors.
Thank you for your kind words, nice to know there is normal people on here lol. I'm not one to really show off anything really. I don't fish for compliment I just wait lol

Originally Posted by BlackedOut67shorty View Post
This forum is about not bashing anyones work. If you do not have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all, I like the work Vega
thank you very much

Originally Posted by no1udknow View Post
I was looking at your paint job and I'm glad you decided not to go with the same ol'-same ol'. I love putting my own personality into my stuff. The only issue I ever run in to is when I try and sell things. I don't ever intend on selling my truck, but I have noticed that when I custom paint bikes, often times it takes someone of similar taste to buy it, which can be hard to find since I'm a little off :-). I saw a paint job that someone photoshopped on here with a 2-tone truck that was black and red w/flames. I decided I really liked the paint scheme, just not the colors, so I re-photoshopped it black and white and I think that's gonna be my paint job.
Thank you, I did scallops because it fit the look of the truck and they are kinda obsolete now. Everyone is about the flames. I just try to be different. But those flames are badass on yours, even if it is photoshopped. I'd rock that pain job anyway
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