Originally Posted by da-burb
What vintage 200s are they? I treat mine with Gibbs oil and that is all. They turned a nice darker gray. This picture is when they were basically NOS out of the box and on my Lemans. I will try to get you a pic after they were treated. If you do not seal them the magnesium will oxidize and you will see white fuzzy powder forming on them.
Oooh, that girl look nice! I was going to buy a set of 200S wheels for my '68 GS awhile back until I got sticker-shocked. Ended up with a set of 15"X8" 5 on 4-3/4 Corvette Rallyes for $312 delivered. Sits like a steamroller.
Back on topic, if these are really 200S wheels, treat them as has been mentioned to remove corrosion. They are not steel, BTW, so it isn't "rust" per se. A pic would be most informative.