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Old 01-21-2004, 07:10 PM   #1
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Posts: 29
Question Beau James Parts?

Hi everyone! It's nice to see such a great community for 73-87 enthusiasts!

I just recently aquired a 1975 Beau James edition GMC and have started to restore it. Luckily, the hood ornimant and hub caps are in good condition. I just located a set of stickers for the bed, so that's taken care of. Came outta the paint booth last week so time to start on the interior...

I'm having a big problem finding floor mats and some of the interior accessories. (Just PM'd ElGracho about buying the floormats off of him hehe) I'm trying to find the floormats, and the wood trim for the doors and dash bezel. Does anyone have any clue of where I can obtain these? After making phone calls all last week and this week, it seems I may be totally out of luck.

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