Re: Parking Brake Cable
Getting frustrated!!! I'm trying to order some new parking brake cables and keep receiving incorrect cables. I have a PB cable that measures 85" + from the linkage at the cross member to the rear drum. The cable runs the full length of the rear control arm.
I just ordered a cable from a Kansas supply house and they shipped out a cable that has the needed hardware at the drum but is lacking in length by 42". I've since called the supply house and the cable they shipped was for a '66 C20 and all other cables are only for C10s, which is the cable I posted above.
I'm thinking I may have to swap over to 66 parking brake linkage in order to have a parking brake. Anyone else experience this with a C20
I had the sales rep bring up the photos of the cables that were recommended above but it wouldn't work with my truck
"I feel like just another spoke in a great big wheel, like a tiny blade of grass in a great big field"