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Old 11-05-2014, 12:17 PM   #5
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Re: Seat belt mechanism - how does it lock?

You have asked one of the great unanswered questions of my life: How do you know if these old square seat belts are working if you can't yank them to find out? My 83 seems to be different from the 78 I had. The 78 had some kind of weight in the B pillar behind the seat which would make a clunking noise periodically when in motion, so I assume that there was some sort of weight in there to activate the lock mechanism. My 83 makes no such noise. Neither of these truck had belts which could be tested by yanking. All of my other vehicles can be yank tested.

Someday I will replace my seat with a pair of Sebring convertible seats which have nice "yankable" integral seat belts.
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