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Old 11-09-2014, 05:17 PM   #4
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Re: 1978 chevy bent frame NEED HELP.

Well see several people have said the exact same thing, one was a career body guy who inspected the truck and said no way is the frame bent. HOWEVER you did ask a good question, like I said it will only go about HALF WAY LEFT but it goes WAAAAAY too far right, it turns right way more than it should and to the point the wheel rubs the fender, so what does this suggest.

I have had body guys, mechanics etc all look for it, a few say bent frame the rest say no bend in frame but NONE of them know what the problem is so here I am.

Thanks for the help I really appreciate it, this is a head scratcher for me I love this truck and I wish I could find someone who could find out what is wrong with this steering.

I will work on getting some pics good idea.
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