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Old 11-10-2014, 01:59 AM   #1
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Complete Exhaust System Replacement

I have a pretty gnarly exhaust leak and the PO had a butchered up exhaust system installed. I will be replacing the stock exhaust manifolds with 2.5 inch new ram horns. I will replace all the pipes and add some 3 chamber mufflers to tone the noise down a bit. I plan on going with these ram horns:

Anybody use these? Are they pretty much plug and play ram horns?

Planning on having the exhaust shop make something like these as collector pipes. Would the exhaust shop have the connectors or should I locate these myself beforehand? I have a week of vacation from work coming up soon and want to have all my ducks in row to get some work done on the K5.

Anybody have pictures of how the K5 exhaust came from the factory? Want to have all my research done before I actually go to the exhaust shop this week to get the ball rolling. Should I just go dual exhaust as opposed to the factory single configuration? Looking forward to eliminating my exhaust leak and enjoying K5 even more. Driving around light headed from exhaust fumes is NO BUENO!

Last edited by Senorx; 11-10-2014 at 02:04 AM.
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