Thread: ac cap question
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Old 11-10-2014, 03:27 PM   #5
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Re: ac cap question

Originally Posted by Kaptain Kadian View Post
Thanks. Do I need to put anything on over the caps, or will they stay in by friction?
If the system is not contaminated, and it was properly evacuated before you capped it, they will stay on regardless of what they were made for. As for heat, what heat on a non-running a/c system? They will stand up to engine compartment heat, that's less than 200 degrees unless it's turbocharged.

If they won't stay on, then the system is already contaminated with something that is expanding and they will never stay on unless you clamp them and they are not made for that.

You would then need to use rubber hoses with clamps and bolts screwed into the open ends with clamps on them as well. But it would be pointless as the system would already be contaminated.

Last edited by mechanicalman; 11-10-2014 at 03:28 PM. Reason: add-on
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