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Old 11-16-2014, 04:01 AM   #189
swamp rat
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Re: For Gramps (1970 C20 RestoMod)

Just a heads up, the 14 bolt conversion brackets do bolt right up to the Eaton as well, then all you need to do is get some front replacement disks for a 71 or 72 3/4T and longer studs, then use the stock Eaton rear hubs and your done. Be sure to get the 1 1/4 width rotors not the thin ones, then make sure when you buy the calipers they don't accidentally have the wrong width caliper in the correct box, it happened to me.

But you are correct about there being more available parts for the 14 bolt, all the bearings and seals are still available for the Eaton but the Pinion bearing is quite large and last i checked they said it was about $400 but don't quote me on that. Its the drums and brake parts and gears that are getting hard to get.

Swamp Rat build thread :

72 3/4T 4X4
4" BDS Lift
33" BFG's
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