Originally Posted by awbrown
I think the consensus among most inliners with 2 carbs is not to use progressive linkage because of mixture distribution problems ,but it can work fine with a 3 carb setup,, I have a bored and stroked 261 with 3x1 and it has a progressive linkage my friend made for it and it works fine .. for gas milage use the monojet carbs , they are much better than the old Rochester ...
i thought about it maybe not working with a progressive, but also thought it would get too much air if it had a solid linkage, as it is made to idle with only one rochester.. if all the cylinders are getting the same compression, shouldn't they suck approximately they same fuel no matter where the carb is placed on the manifold? i see what you're saying, being that the carb is at the back of the intake, the rear cylinders would get more fuel until the other carb opened.. but it seems to me that the only time that would happen is when you first start it and there's no fuel in the manifold, after it gets going, would it not even out? maybe i'm just underthinking though..