Thread: 1953 Truck
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Old 11-17-2014, 08:21 PM   #1
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1953 Truck

I've been looking at Ford trucks specifically 1948-53. Maybe not the best way to start here. Today my wife and I started looking at chevy trucks. The one we were looking at was a 1953. We both like the shape of it much better than the fords we've been looking at.

What I'm looking for here is information on chevy trucks. Is there a good book I can get that describes the years and the changes per year.

I've learned some things about ford like, 1947 was the last year the put the ford truck body on a car frame. The grill was also changed in 48 and is similar up to I think about 53.

I'm looking for facts like that or a book that will help me out. I want to find an old truck to use as a driver with potential to receive lots of upgrades.

Thank you.
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