Since '73, 7. There's only been one year (2012) where we didn't have at least one running square on the farm.
Here's the list:
'73 C30, 454 4-spd, purchased new, sold '93
'79 C10, I6 auto?, purchased new, sold '82
'82 C10, 6.2 th400, purchased new, sold '89
'87 GMC 1500 4x4, 350 700r4, purchased '89, sold '11...trying to buy this back

'86 K10, 305 700r4, purchased '94, sold '12
'86 CUCV M1008, 6.2 th400, purchased '13, sold '14
'79 C10, Olds 350 th400, purchased '13, using it daily.
Funds pending, I'm on the hunt for another beater to complement Lester...thinking either a K10 to beat around on the farm or possibly a C30 dump. We'll see.