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Old 11-22-2014, 12:39 AM   #2
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Re: Windshield header repair set from GMC Pauls

Originally Posted by skorpioskorpio View Post
Great piece and seems like a faithful reproduction of the original, has anyone but me purchased one of these? I'm curious if this represents all the unique pieces of the of the windshield frame specific to Blazers/Jimmys. In other words could the rest of the windshield frame be harvested from pickups?

After the sandblast I have a fair amount of blow through in the upper frame just beyond where the header set would repair, particularly on the passenger side and I'm wondering if I could just use cutouts from the pickups for that, or more specifically if they would be the same as what the factory used for these pieces.
Didnt know those pieces were available, thanks for posting up....only one way to find out if the trucks are the same as ours, buy some junk ones for cheap and compare. Can t imagine the General retooling for a w/s post, no one has ever said the glass is differant.

LMK how you make out, b/c i have a little rust in that area as well
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Dont try this stuff in my build thread, unless you have 55 years of mechanical OTJ training

AS usual, off topic

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