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Old 11-23-2014, 07:34 PM   #1
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Jeep shaft swap in a T5 made simple - a DIY photo slide show

There are many posts about the T5, Camaro T5, adapter plates, and tail housing swaps.

However, I thought I'd add this to the list. I checked with Newfisher and got his blessing since he posted a similar thread not long ago.

I like to modify the T5 transmissions, so this is a project I had been waiting to do.

The whole reason to even do the swap is to save money and end up with a better T5 than what you started with.
The pros for doing the swap are pretty good ones.
1. No adapter plate is needed. A savings of $160.
2. You get to keep your original 10 spline clutch kit (disc, pressure plate and release bearing). An additional savings.
3. The new 10 spline Jeep shaft and input shaft bearing will cost less than $100. If you add a small parts kit with new seals and stuff, then add a little more.
4. No fabrication skills are needed. Just swap parts.

Here are a few teaser photos. You can see the entire 47 photo slide show on my website (too many pics to post here).
Attached Images
My 65 C10 build:

Want to know more about T5 transmissions? My website has a T5 Info Page and a Step by Step T5 rebuild.
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