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Old 11-25-2014, 01:00 PM   #6
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Re: What does "original" mean?

The original article states:
An original car, regardless of its age, make, model or country of origin, still wears all of the same parts that the factory workers bolted on to it when it rolled along the assembly line during its manufacture.
What they really should say is "the same parts that it left the factory with". Anyone who has worked at an auto assembly plant (whether it be American, Japanese, or European) knows that few cars get out of the plant without some kind of repair after leaving the end of the line. Parts get replaced and paint gets re-sprayed. There is this misconception that the assembly line ends and the car rolls right onto a rail car for shipment, and that is far from the case.

If you want to see for yourself, take a tour of one OR go to google maps and zoom in on a plant. Look at all the cars parked outside that are clearly not just waiting to be loaded for shipment. They are waiting for repair. That's not a bad thing, they are trying to get it all right, but it does not just all fall together exactly how the end customer would like to receive it.
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