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Old 11-25-2014, 01:54 PM   #8
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Re: What does "original" mean?

At the risk of being redundant, I'll restate that "all-original" would only apply to a vehicle which remained exactly as it rolled off the line, before ANY part of it was replaced or reconditioned. I think it's fairly safe to say that nothing like this exists in the classic car/truck world. Does that make it a useless term? No, not quite.
Arguably, the condition of a vehicle when new is the standard by which any partial or complete restoration is judged, or by which a claimed "original" is compared.
Similarly, the definition of "perfect" can be found in any dictionary and despite its common use, nothing truly perfect exists. Well, not here on earth anyway, but that's another argument.
So, rather than argue endlessly over word usage and true meaning, we all need to accept that the term "original" is going to be abused and that it's only good for comparison to an ideal anyway.
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