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Old 11-25-2014, 02:33 PM   #35
Old Crow
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Re: 1948 Chevy - Updating Original Frame

Preaching to the choir.
My daily driver(weather permitting)is a '61 F-100 302/C6. Suspension is stock straight axle and drum brakes still with a single pot master cylinder.
I have no problem hooking on to the car trailer and dragging another project to the shop. Only time I have had trouble was a '77 F250 long bed camper special. That truck should have been hauling mine! Just stayed in the right lane and left a lot of room.

BTW, I was just thinking about it and in '79, I lived in Phoenix, and my daily driver was a '53 F-100 also a 302/C4 truck. That was also my first '50's truck, and I've had at least 7 straight axle trucks in the years since then.
Old Crow

'54 Chevy Panel, '00 Bounder 36S, '95 Jeep YJ
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